CorsixTH - Playable Beta 1

Today marks the release of the first playable beta of CorsixTH, an open source Theme Hospital clone which I started a few months ago.

Relevant links: CorsixTH Homepage | Downloads | Release Annoucement.

Theme Hospital Update

It's been a while since since my first blog post on Theme Hospital, and there has been a reasonable amount of development since then, so I thought I'd post a video showing some of the new stuff:

As before, if you're interested in grabbing a copy, or contributing, then see the Google Code project.

Lua can be ASCII Art

Observe my wonderful Lua ASCII art creation:

                              [_]=_[_]                    [_[_]]_[_._]=#"_._"_[
                       _[_._]]=_[_](_[_[_._]*_             [_._]],_[_._],_[_._
                    ]).._[_](_[(_[_._]+_[_._]/_[_._         ])*_[_._]],_[_._]/
                _[_._]+_[_._]/_[_._],_[_._]).._[_](_[_       [_._]*_[_._]],_
             [_._]+_[_._]-_[_._]/_[_._],_[_._]+_[_._]-_[       _._]/_[_._]
           ).._[_](_[_[_._]*_[_._]],_[_._],_[_._]).._[_](_[         _
         [_._]*_[_._]],_[_._]/_[_._]-_[_._]           ,_[_._
        ]/_[_._]-_[_._])_[_[_._]*_[_._]+_               [_._]-
      _[_._]/_[_._]]=(_)_[_[_._]*_[_._]+                  _[_._
     ]+_[_._]/_[_._]]=(_)_[#_+_[_._]/_[                    _._]]
    =_._[_[#_-_[_._]-#_/#_]]_[_[#_]]=_[                    #_](_[
   _[_._]].."(".._[#_-#_/_[_._]].."('"                     .._[_[_
  ._]]..[[("\\'..(...+#_*(_[_._]+_[_._]                   ))..'")')
  )()]])_[_[#_]]=_[_[_._]][_[_[#_]](_[_.                 _]*_[_._])
 .._[_[#_]](#_-_[_._]/_[_._]).._[_[#_]](_               [_._]+_[_._]
 +_[_._]/_[_._]).._[_[#_]](_[_._]^_[_._]-_[_         ._])]_[_[_[#_]](
 _._)]_._[_[    _[#_]](_[_[_[#_]](#_)]+#_-_[_._],_[_[_[#_]](#_)]+#_-
 #_/#_,_[_[_[   #_]](#_)]+#_/_[_._],_[_[_[#_]](#_)]+#_-#_/_[_._], _[
 _[_[#_]](#_)   ]+#_+#_/#_)](_[_[#_+_[_._]-_[_._]]](#_*#_/_[_._]-_[_.
 _],_[_[_[#_]   ](#_)]+_[_._]    /_[_.   _],_[  _    [_[#_]](#_)]+#_
 /_[_._]+_[_.   _],_[_[_[#_]](   #_)]+   #_/   _[_.   _]+_[_._],_[_[
  _[#_]](#_)]   +#_-_[_._]-_[_   ._]/_   [_._  ],#_   +#_+_[_._]-_[
  _._]/_[_._]   ,#_*(_[_._]+_[   _._])   -_[_.    _   ],_[_[_[#_]](
   #_)]+#_-_[   _._]-_[_._ ]/_   [_._]   ,_[_   [_[   #_]](#_)]+#_
    -#_/#_,_[   _[_[#_]](  #_)   ]+#_/   _[_   ._]+   _[_._],_[_[
     _[#_]](     #_)],#   _+#_    +#       _    /# _  + #_/#_,_[_
     [_[#_               ]](#_)     ]+_   [_._    ]-_  [_._]/_[_

As an improvement on my prior post, this valid Lua program has a more interesting whitespace arrangement, has less string literals, and less alphanumeric characters (no "byte" in this code, whereas the previous post does).

The worst Lua "Hello World" you'll ever see

As a continuation of my Lua abomination series, the below code is surely one of the most indecipherable versions of print 'Hello World' that you're likely to see.


(If you don't believe me, it does print Hello World).

The aim was to use as few alphanumeric characters as possible, and I think I did fairly well - you've only got "G", "for", "in", "next", "do", "byte", "end", and "sub". For a language which typically is full of alphanumeric characters, I consider it quite impressive. As an added bonus, there is also no whitespace.

Only about half a line of the code is an encoding of "print'Hello World'" - the other lines just perform generic decoding. That's right; not only this is an obscene obfuscation, it's also an easily reusable obfuscation.

Lua Mailing List Laughs

I thought this wonderful little wordplay from the Lua mailing list deserved some more visiblity:

Person A: IMO python is by far the better language for "first programming language" than Lua.
Person B: If you're going to make an audacious assertion, please back it up with justification :)
Person C: Justification changes the syntax.

Unfortunately, you need to have a fair bit of knowledge on computer programming languages to appreciate it.

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