x86 macro-op fusion notes

For very many years now, x86 and x64 processors have been able to take an arithmetic instruction immediately followed by a conditional jump instruction, and execute the two instructions as if they were a single instruction (which is called "macro-op fusion"). When writing very hot loops in assembly code by hand, this can effectively give you an extra instruction for free.

In Intel chips, fusion first appeared in the original Core microarchitecture, launched in 2006. An improved version of fusion made its debut in the Nehalem microarchitecture (Nhlm) a few years later in 2008. The Sandy Bridge microarchitecture (SnBr) released in 2011 contained yet more improvements to fusion. Things remained fairly stable through until Cannon Lake (CnLk), but then Ice Lake in 2019 removed support for a few cases of fusion (INC and DEC instructions, and instructions with memory operands).

In AMD chips, fusion first appeared in the Bulldozer microarchitecture (Bdzr), launched in 2011. It supported fusing TEST and CMP instructions with all flag-based conditional jumps. Things remained fairly stable through until Zen 3 in 2020, which added support for a number of other instructions.

The table below summarises which instructions can fuse with which jumps on which microarchitectures. Combinations which are supported, but which are pointless in practice, are parenthesised.






The following paragraphs describe the various conditional jumps, and in particular what it means to fuse with ADD.
Jumps which depend only upon the result bits (for TEST, the result is what AND would give, and for CMP, the result is what SUB would give):
DescriptionFlagsFusion (SnBr)
JSJump if signSF = 1TEST AND
JNSJump if not signSF = 0TEST AND
Jump if parity
Jump if parity even
Jump if not parity
Jump if parity odd
Jump if zero
Jump if equal
Jump if not zero
Jump if not equal
SF is a copy of the most significant bit of the result (which for conceptually signed results, indicates a result less than zero), PF is set based on the population count of the low 8 bits of the result (PF = 1 implies that said population count was even), and ZF is set if all bits of the result are zero (which for CMP and SUB implies that the two operands were equal).
Jumps which conceptually operate on unsigned operands:
DescriptionFlagsFusion (SnBr)
Jump if below
Jump if not above or equal
Jump if carry
Jump if not below
Jump if above or equal
Jump if not carry
Jump if below or equal
Jump if not above
CF = 1 or ZF = 1CMP ADD SUB
Jump if not below or equal
Jump if above
CF = 0 and ZF = 0CMP ADD SUB
For an N-bit result, CF is the (N+1)th bit. Fusion with TEST and AND is technically possible, but CF is always zero following these instructions, making it pointless. The "above" and "below" descriptions are from the perspective of CMP or SUB with unsigned operands. To extend the description to ADD, consider the instruction to be taking two N-bit unsigned operands, zero-extending both to (N+1) bits, and producing an (N+1)-bit signed result. Then "above" and "below" are whether this (N+1)-bit signed result is above or below zero.
Jumps which conceptually operate on signed operands:
DescriptionFlagsFusion (SnBr)
JOJump if overflowOF = 1-
JNOJump if not overflowOF = 0-
Jump if less
Jump if not greater or equal
Jump if not less
Jump if greater or equal
Jump if not greater
Jump if less or equal
Jump if greater
Jump if not less or equal
Conceptually, the arithmetic instructions take two N-bit signed operands (the 2nd operand being 1 for INC and DEC), sign extend both to (N+1)-bits, compute an (N+1)-bit signed result, then OF is set to the exclusive-or of the two most signicant bits of those (N+1). This means that SF ≠ OF corresponds to the most significant bit of this signed (N+1)-bit result (in the same way that CF corresponds to the most significant bit of the (N+1)-bit result when the operands are zero-extended). In other words, OF is set if sign-extending the N-bit result to (N+1)-bits gives a different result to sign-extending the operands to (N+1)-bits and then performing (N+1)-bit arithmetic. Fusion with TEST and AND is technically possible for all these jumps, but OF is always zero following TEST or AND, making many combinations pointless. The "greater" and "less" descriptions are from the perspective of CMP or SUB with signed operands. To extend the description to ADD, consider the instruction to be taking two N-bit signed operands, sign-extending both to (N+1) bits, and producing an (N+1)-bit signed result. Then "greater" and "less" are whether this (N+1)-bit signed result is greater or less than zero. The INC and DEC instructions are equivalent to ADD and SUB with the 2nd operand being 1 (except for INC and DEC not touching CF).
In the context of optimising hot loops, it is common to be iterating over the half-open range [0, N), by some step S. Given all the references above to comparing to zero, it is often beneficial to transform this range to [-N, 0), as then the loop-control instructions can be ADD reg, S followed by a conditional jump, rather than ADD reg, S followed by CMP reg, N followed by a conditional jump. In the case of fusing ADD reg, S with a conditional jump, if N is known to be non-zero, then the conditional jump can be JA or JAE (or synonyms thereof), relying on CF = 1 occuring when the counter transitions from negative to non-negative. If N might zero, and a single iteration of the loop is desired (or harmless) even when N is zero, then the conditional jump cannot be JA or JAE, but instead can be JL (or a synonym thereof), relying on sign extension of both operands to (N+1) bits and then jumping if the (N+1)-bit result is less than zero.

AVX-512 notes

I have access to some Intel Skylake-X CPUs and some Intel Cascade Lake CPUs, both of which support AVX-512 instructions. AVX-512 has lots of subsets; both of these CPUs support the F, CD, VL, DQ, and BW subsets. Additionally, Cascade Lake supports the VNNI subset. A small part of this post is about VNNI, but other than that, everything is applicable to both Skylake-X and Cascade Lake.

There are new 512-bit-wide vector registers zmm0 through zmm31, which extend ymm0 through ymm15 both in their width and their number. The low parts of these new registers are available as ymm16 through ymm31, or xmm16 through xmm31, should you have code which would benefit from more registers rather than wider registers. There are also new 64-bit-wide "mask" registers k0 through k7.

Starting with "mask" registers:

Most vector instructions which allow a memory operand and have a lane width of 32-bits or 64-bits now support the memory operand being an embedded broadcast of a 32-bit or 64-bit value. In terms of syntax, this is done by putting {1toN} after the memory operand, for example vpaddd zmm0, zmm0, dword ptr [rax] {1to16}. Some instructions gain optional modifiers for controlling the rounding mode, or for suppressing exceptions. As a quirk of the instruction encoding, all three pieces of functionality (broadcasting, rounding mode control, and suppressing exceptions) are enabled/disabled by the same bit, which might cause surprises.

Assorted new floating-point instructions:

Assorted new integer instructions:

There are new instructions for converting between unsigned integers and floating-point values, in the form of v(cvt|cvtt)[ps][sd]2u(dq|si|qq) and vcvtu(dq|si|qq)2[ps][sd]. Also new are packed conversions between int64 and floating-point values, in the form of v(cvt|cvtt)p[sd]2qq and vcvtqq2p[sd].

Assorted new permutation and shuffling and blending instructions:

Converting floats to strings, part 1

Much has been written about converting floating point numbers to strings: Bruce Dawson has lots to say, David M. Gay's venerable dtoa is a classic, and Florian Loitsch's relatively recent grisu paper is worth studying. Often the problem is framed as "converting a floating point number to the shortest possible decimal string representation", but this framing is neither neccessary nor sufficient for implementing the %e / %f / %g formats of sprintf. Furthermore, this framing introduces significant complexity. As such, I'd like to begin by considering a much simpler framing: convert a double-precision floating point number to a decimal string, such that the string gives the exact mathematical real number represented by the float.

First of all, we need a quick reminder of what an IEEE754 double-precision floating point number looks like under the hood. If we ignore negative numbers, infinities, NaNs, and denormals, then we have just an 11-bit exponent e and a 53-bit mantissa m, which together represent the number m (an integer) times 2e (where e might be negative). Denormals also fit the pattern of m times 2e, albeit with a different encoding of m and e.

Armed with this knowledge, we can pull the m and e fields out of a number:

typedef union {
  double n;
  uint64_t u64;
  struct {
    uint32_t lo;
    uint32_t hi;
  } u32;
} TValue;

void decode(double n) {
  TValue t;
  t.n = n;
  if ((t.u32.hi << 1) >= 0xffe00000) {
    if (((t.u32.hi & 0x000fffff) | t.u32.lo) != 0) {
    } else {
  } else {
    int32_t e = (t.u32.hi >> 20) & 0x7ff;
    uint64_t m = t.u32.hi & 0xfffff;
    if (e == 0) {
    } else {
      m |= 0x100000;
    e -= 1043;
    if (t.u32.lo) {
      e -= 32;
      m = (m << 32) | t.u32.lo;
    printf("%llu * 2^%d\n", (long long unsigned)m, (int)e);

Some example outputs of this decode function are:

0.0 * 2^-1042
1.1048576 * 2^-20
10.1310720 * 2^-17
0.17205759403792794 * 2^-56
1e-3082024022533073106 * 2^-1074
pow(2, 1020)1048576 * 2^1000

These outputs are not in decimal, and they're not particularly convenient for human comprehension, but they are 100% accurate.

From m and e values, one classical approach for getting decimal digits is:

  1. Convert m to a binary bignum (easy).
  2. Multiply the binary bignum by 2e (easy).
  3. In a loop, compute the binary bignum modulo ten to get one digit (hard), and then divide the binary bignum by ten (hard).

I prefer the following approach, as it gets rid of the hard part:

  1. Convert m to a decimal bignum (not easy, but not hard).
  2. Multiply the decimal bignum by 2e (not easy, but not hard).
  3. In a loop, print the digits of the decimal bignum (easy).

What do I mean by binary bignum and decimal bignum? A binary bignum is a number stored as multiple uint32_t pieces, with each piece being in the range 0 through 232-1, and the number being sum(piecei * (232)i). On the other hand, a decimal bignum is a number stored as multiple uint32_t pieces, with each piece being in the range 0 through 109-1, and the number being sum(piecei * (109)i). 109 is chosen as it is the largest power of ten which fits into a uint32_t (even better, 109 requires 29.9 bits to store, so only 2.1 bits out of every 32 are wasted).

I'd like to represent a decimal bignum using the following variables:

uint32_t nd[128];
int32_t ndlo;
int32_t ndhi;

For ndlo <= i <= ndhi, piecei is nd[i & 127], and otherwise piecei is zero.

As it happens, we already know how to print the digits of an individual decimal bignum piece. Using one of those functions from last time, printing an entire decimal bignum is painless:

void nd_print(char* p, uint32_t* nd, int32_t ndlo, int32_t ndhi) {
  int32_t i;
  for (i = ndhi; i >= 0; --i) {
    nasonov9(p, nd[i & 127]); p += 9;
  *p++ = '.';
  for (; i >= ndlo; --i) {
    nasonov9(p, nd[i & 127]); p += 9;
  *p = 0;

Multiplying by 2e takes a bit of effort. Let's start by considering the case where e is negative, at which point we're really dividing by 2-e. In turn, this is dividing by 2 -e times. Just dividing by 2 doesn't take that much code:

int32_t nd_div2(uint32_t* nd, int32_t ndlo, int32_t ndhi) {
  uint32_t i = ndhi & 127, carry = 0;
  for (;;) {
    uint32_t val = nd[i];
    nd[i] = (val >> 1) + carry;
    carry = (val & 1) * 500000000;
    if (i == (ndlo & 127)) break;
    i = (i - 1) & 127;
  if (carry) nd[--ndlo & 127] = carry;
  return ndlo;

We can generalise this to dividing by 2k:

int32_t nd_div2k(uint32_t* nd, int32_t ndlo, int32_t ndhi,
                 uint32_t k) {
  uint32_t mask = (1U << k) - 1, mul = 1000000000 >> k;
  uint32_t i = ndhi & 127, carry = 0;
  for (;;) {
    uint32_t val = nd[i];
    nd[i] = (val >> k) + carry;
    carry = (val & mask) * mul;
    if (i == (ndlo & 127)) break;
    i = (i - 1) & 127;
  if (carry) nd[--ndlo & 127] = carry;
  return ndlo;

The above will work for k between zero and nine inclusive; if k is larger than nine, then 1000000000 >> k can no longer be represented by an integer. As such, the complete solution has to start by dividing in batches of 29:

int32_t nd_div2k(uint32_t* nd, int32_t ndlo, int32_t ndhi,
                 uint32_t k) {
  while (k >= 9) {
    uint32_t i = ndhi & 127, carry = 0;
    for (;;) {
      uint32_t val = nd[i];
      nd[i] = (val >> 9) + carry;
      carry = (val & 0x1ff) * 1953125;
      if (i == (ndlo & 127)) break;
      i = (i - 1) & 127;
    if (carry) nd[--ndlo & 127] = carry;
    k -= 9;
  if (k) {
    uint32_t mask = (1U << k) - 1, mul = 1000000000 >> k;
    uint32_t i = ndhi & 127, carry = 0;
    for (;;) {
      uint32_t val = nd[i];
      nd[i] = (val >> k) + carry;
      carry = (val & mask) * mul;
      if (i == (ndlo & 127)) break;
      i = (i - 1) & 127;
    if (carry) nd[--ndlo & 127] = carry;
  return ndlo;

We can then go through the same process for multiplying, starting with multiplication by 2:

int32_t nd_mul2(uint32_t* nd, int32_t ndhi) {
  uint32_t carry_in = 0;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= (uint32_t)ndhi; i++) {
    uint32_t val = (nd[i] << 1) | carry_in;
    carry_in = val / 1000000000;
    nd[i] = val - carry_in * 1000000000;
  if (carry_in) nd[++ndhi] = carry_in;
  return ndhi;

By promoting val to 64-bits, this can be generalised to small k:

int32_t nd_mul2k(uint32_t* nd, int32_t ndhi, uint32_t k) {
  uint32_t carry_in = 0;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= (uint32_t)ndhi; i++) {
    uint64_t val = ((uint64_t)nd[i] << k) | carry_in;
    carry_in = (uint32_t)(val / 1000000000);
    nd[i] = (uint32_t)val - carry_in * 1000000000;
  if (carry_in) nd[++ndhi] = carry_in;
  return ndhi;

This time the constraint on k comes from wanting val to be no more than (109)2, which limits k to 29. It also turns out to be useful to make carry_in a parameter, all of which leads to the complete code for multiplying by 2k:

int32_t nd_mul2k(uint32_t* nd, int32_t ndhi, uint32_t k,
                 uint32_t carry_in) {
  while (k >= 29) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= (uint32_t)ndhi; i++) {
      uint64_t val = ((uint64_t)nd[i] << 29) | carry_in;
      carry_in = (uint32_t)(val / 1000000000);
      nd[i] = (uint32_t)val - carry_in * 1000000000;
    if (carry_in) {
      nd[++ndhi] = carry_in; carry_in = 0;
    k -= 29;
  if (k) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= (uint32_t)ndhi; i++) {
      uint64_t val = ((uint64_t)nd[i] << k) | carry_in;
      carry_in = (uint32_t)(val / 1000000000);
      nd[i] = (uint32_t)val - carry_in * 1000000000;
    if (carry_in) nd[++ndhi] = carry_in;
  return ndhi;

We can plug these routines into the decode function from earlier to create a print function:

void print(double n) {
  TValue t;
  t.n = n;
  if ((t.u32.hi << 1) >= 0xffe00000) {
    if (((t.u32.hi & 0x000fffff) | t.u32.lo) != 0) {
    } else {
  } else {
    char buf[1154];
    uint32_t nd[128];
    int32_t ndlo = 0;
    int32_t ndhi = 0;
    int32_t e = (t.u32.hi >> 20) & 0x7ff;
    nd[0] = t.u32.hi & 0xfffff;
    if (e == 0) {
    } else {
      nd[0] |= 0x100000;
    e -= 1043;
    if (t.u32.lo) {
      e -= 32;
      nd[0] = (nd[0] << 3) | (t.u32.lo >> 29);
      ndhi = nd_mul2k(nd, ndhi, 29, t.u32.lo & 0x1fffffff);
    if (e >= 0) {
      ndhi = nd_mul2k(nd, ndhi, (uint32_t)e, 0);
    } else {
      ndlo = nd_div2k(nd, ndlo, ndhi, (uint32_t)-e);
    nd_print(buf, nd, ndlo, ndhi);
    printf("%s\n", buf);

Some example outputs of this print function are:

pow(2, 1020)00000001123558209288947442330815744243140

Some of these outputs could be tidied up by trimming leading and trailing zeroes, but other than that, this is the output we were aiming for. We can see that the double-precision floating point number closest to 0.1 is actually ever so slightly more than 0.1, that the double-precision floating point number closest to 1e-308 is actually ever so slightly less than 1e-308, and that in some cases the string representation of the exact decimal represented by a float can be extremely long (though, to be fair, 1e-308 is almost as bad as it gets for length).

Next time we'll see how to adapt nd_print into something which can behave like the %e, %f, and %g formats of sprintf (i.e. outputs which you might actually want, as opposed to pedantic exact representations).

Converting 9-digit integers to strings

Much has been written on the internet about converting integers to strings (e.g. A, B, C). Normally, when this is considered, half of the problem (or the interesting trick in the solution) revolves around knowing how long the resulting string will be. As such, I'd like to consider a slight variant of the problem: converting an integer between 0 and 999999999 to a nine digit string, and always emitting the full nine digits (so 456 becomes 000000456, for example). We can begin with a simple libc-based approach:

void sprintf9(char* p, uint32_t n) {
  sprintf(p, "%09u", n);

Using sprintf is short and pithy, but potentially not the most efficient choice. Another option might be:

void divmod9(char* p, uint32_t n) {
  for (uint32_t i = 9; i--; n /= 10) {
    p[i] = '0' + (n % 10);

It might look like this approach is going to be slowed down by looping and dividing quite a lot, but Clang will fully unroll the loop, turn all the division into multiplication, and turn the addition into bitwise-or. The result is impressively efficient. In particular, the divide-by-multiplying trick is something that everyone should read up on - I'd recommend this explaination by "fish" for those unfamiliar with it.

A third alternative is this enigma from LuaJIT:

#define WINT_R(x, sh, sc) { \
  uint32_t d = (x * (((1<<sh)+sc-1)/sc)) >> sh; \
  x -= d * sc; \
  *p++ = (char)('0' + d); }

void lj_strfmt_wuint9(char* p, uint32_t n) {
  uint32_t v = n / 10000, w;
  n -= v * 10000;
  w = v / 10000;
  v -= w * 10000;
  *p++ = (char)('0' + w);
  WINT_R(v, 23, 1000)
  WINT_R(v, 12, 100)
  WINT_R(v, 10, 10)
  *p++ = (char)('0' + v);
  WINT_R(n, 23, 1000)
  WINT_R(n, 12, 100)
  WINT_R(n, 10, 10)
  *p++ = (char)('0' + n);

If you consider (x * (((1<<sh)+sc-1)/sc)) >> sh in the realm of mathematical real numbers, rather than the realm of C integer arithmetic, then the expression looks kind of like x * (((1 << sh) / sc) >> sh), which in turn looks kind of like x * (1 / sc), which is of course x / sc. This intution turns out to be spot-on: this expression is the same divide-by-multiplying trick as used by Clang - sc is the value we want to divide by (what fish calls d), sh is what fish calls k, and (((1<<sh)+sc-1)/sc) is what fish calls m. The choices of sh look lightly magical, but 23 is the smallest k which suffices for dividing numbers in the range 0 through 9999 by 1000, 12 is the smallest k for 0 through 999 by 100, and 10 is the smallest k for 0 through 99 by 10.

Another option is this SSE2 implementation, which is clear as mud:

#include <emmintrin.h>

void vectorised9(char* p, uint32_t n) {
  __m128i a = _mm_set1_epi32(n);
  __m128i b = _mm_srli_epi64(
      _mm_mul_epu32(a, _mm_set1_epi32(879609303)), 43);
  __m128i c = _mm_shuffle_epi32(_mm_mul_epu32(b,
      _mm_setr_epi32(10000, 0, 429497, 0)), 0x47);
  p[0] = '0' | _mm_cvtsi128_si32(c);
  __m128i d = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_unpacklo_epi64(b, a),
      _mm_mul_epu32(c, _mm_setr_epi32(10000, 0, 1, 0)));
  __m128i e = _mm_srli_epi32(
      _mm_mul_epu32(d, _mm_set1_epi32(5243)), 19);
  __m128i f = _mm_or_si128(e,
          _mm_mul_epu32(e, _mm_set1_epi32(100))), 0x91));
  __m128i g = _mm_mulhi_epu16(f, _mm_set1_epi32(6554));
  __m128i h = _mm_slli_si128(_mm_sub_epi32(f,
      _mm_mullo_epi16(g, _mm_set1_epi32(10))), 2);
  __m128i i = _mm_packus_epi16(_mm_or_si128(g, h), h);
  _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(p + 1),
      _mm_or_si128(i, _mm_set1_epi32(0x30303030)));

After you get over all the underscores, you can see that this code is full of the same divide-by-multiplying trick. For example, the assignment to g is doing WINT_R(f, 16, 10) four times in parallel (note the choice of k = 16 rather than the minimal k = 10; it could use 10, but using 16 allows it to get a shift for free as part of _mm_mulhi_epu16).

Of course, a consideration of different implementations wouldn't be complete without a benchmark. As such, I present a highly unscientific benchmark of how long it takes a single core of my MacBook to convert every integer between 0 and 999999999 to a string:

clang -O2clang -O2 -m32 -msse2

We can conclude that vectorisation is a win, that 32-bit code is slightly slower than 64-bit code (except for the vectorised solution), that LuaJIT's cleverness isn't an improvement upon the simple divmod9 (once Clang has optimised the hell out of divmod9), and that sprintf is dog slow.

Of course, your choice of compiler is important. I've used Clang for the above, as it is the default easy option for MacBooks, but we shouldn't forget gcc. Then again, perhaps we should forget gcc: its 64-bit compilation of vectorised9 turns _mm_set1_epi32(n) into a store-to-memory, a load-from-memory, and a shuffle — the shuffle is required, but the store and load are definitely not. Meanwhile, gcc's 32-bit compilation of vectorised9 turns _mm_storel_epi64 into a store-to-memory, two loads-from-memory, and two more stores-to-memory — everything except the first store is completely superfluous.

Next time we'll see how converting 9-digit integers to strings turns out to be very useful in the context of converting floating point numbers to strings.


@nasonov points out a more efficient vectorised implementation, which clocks in at 3.6s (64-bit) or 4.2 seconds (32-bit) in my benchmark setup:

#include <emmintrin.h>

void nasonov9(char* p, uint32_t u) {
  uint32_t v = u / 10000;
  uint32_t w = v / 10000;
  u -= v * 10000;
  v -= w * 10000;

  const __m128i first_madd =
      _mm_set_epi16(-32768, -32768, 0, 26215, 0, 10486, 0, 8389);
  const __m128i mask =
      _mm_set_epi16(0xffff, 0, 0xfffc, 0, 0xfff0, 0, 0xff80, 0);
  const __m128i second_madd =
      _mm_set_epi16(-256, -640, 64, -160, 16, -20, 2, 0);

  __m128i x = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_set1_epi16(v), first_madd);
  __m128i y = _mm_madd_epi16(_mm_set1_epi16(u), first_madd);
  x = _mm_and_si128(x, mask);
  y = _mm_and_si128(y, mask);
  x = _mm_or_si128(x, _mm_slli_si128(x, 2));
  y = _mm_or_si128(y, _mm_slli_si128(y, 2));
  x = _mm_madd_epi16(x, second_madd);
  y = _mm_madd_epi16(y, second_madd);

  __m128i z = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_packs_epi32(x, y), 8);
  z = _mm_packs_epi16(z, z);
  p[0] = '0' | w;
  _mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(p + 1),
      _mm_or_si128(z, _mm_set1_epi32(0x30303030)));

Finding a 5-year-old LuaJIT bug

LuaJIT#311 is the kind of bug report which compiler authors love: a relatively small self-contained file of code, which when fed through the compiler, does the wrong thing. The issue is now resolved, but I'd like to write about the thought process by which it was resolved.

With a bunch of code omitted for berevity, the issue claims that the following file, row.lua, is problematic:

-- ... lots of code ...

for i=0,100 do

  r=TIntArrayNative.new{ 0,1,2,-1,-2,-3 }
  res=ff( TIntArrayNative.new{ 1,2,3,2,1,0 } )
  assert( cEql(r, res), 'ff1 failed' )

  r=TIntArrayNative.new{ 0,0,0 }
  res=ff( TIntArrayNative.new{ 0, 0, 0 } )
  assert( cEql(r, res), 'ff2 failed' )

  r=TIntArrayNative.new{ 0,1,-1 }
  res=ff( TIntArrayNative.new{ 0, 1, 0 } )
  assert( cEql(r, res), 'ff3 failed' )

  r=TIntArrayNative.new{ 0,-1,-2,-3, 1,2,3 }
  res=ff( TIntArrayNative.new{ 0,-1,-2,-4,0,1,2 } )
  assert( cEql(r, res), 'ff4 failed' )

From this code, we can conclude that the issue isn't perfectly reproducible (hence the 100-iteration loop), and that the issue only affects some traces and not others (the call to jit.flush at the top of loop will result in LuaJIT sometimes choosing to compile different traces on each iteration). Bearing this in mind, trying to reproduce the issue was often fruitless:

$ luajit.exe row.lua && echo OK

But, sometimes, an issue would present itself:

$ luajit.exe row.lua && echo OK
luajit.exe: row.lua:199: ff4 failed
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'assert'
        row.lua:199: in main chunk
        [C]: at 0x7ff61f3c1eb0

Given the proportion of times the issue didn't appear, "not perfectly reproducible" was perhaps an understatement, so increasing reproducibility was the first priority. To begin, the -jdump=t flag can give an idea of what code get selected for tracing - the output is along the lines of:

$ luajit.exe -jdump=t row.lua 
---- TRACE flush

---- TRACE 1 start row.lua:69
---- TRACE 1 stop -> return

---- TRACE flush

---- TRACE 1 start row.lua:107
---- TRACE 1 stop -> loop

---- TRACE 2 start row.lua:69
---- TRACE 2 stop -> return

---- TRACE flush

---- TRACE 1 start row.lua:74
---- TRACE 1 stop -> return

---- TRACE 2 start row.lua:69
---- TRACE 2 stop -> return

---- TRACE 3 start row.lua:170
---- TRACE 3 abort row.lua:175 -- leaving loop in root trace

---- TRACE flush

---- TRACE 1 start row.lua:107
---- TRACE 1 stop -> loop

---- TRACE 2 start row.lua:145
---- TRACE 2 stop -> loop

---- TRACE flush

---- TRACE 1 start row.lua:69
---- TRACE 1 stop -> return

---- TRACE 2 start row.lua:170
---- TRACE 2 stop -> loop

Now comes the game of deciding which trace site to investigate. The traces which finish with stop -> return are less interesting than the traces which finish with stop -> loop (as looping traces have more opportunities for mischief). With that in mind, the row.lua:107 loop is:

      for _,v in ipairs(n) do 
        a[k] = v
        k = k + 1

The row.lua:145 loop is:

  for i=1,#a do
    if a[i] > a[i-1] then
      if r[i-1] > 0 then
        r[i] = r[i-1] + 1
        r[i] = 1

    if a[i] < a[i-1] then
      if r[i-1] < 0 then
        r[i] = r[i-1] - 1
        r[i] = -1

The row.lua:170 loop is:

  for i=0,#a1 do
    if a1[i] ~= a2[i] then
      return false

Of these three loops, row.lua:145 contains the most branches, and therefore is the most likely to sometimes have LuaJIT end up choosing a different sequence of branch directions to trace. Given the hypothesis that branch choice is crucial to the issue, this seemed like a good loop to focus on. One way to focus on it is to prevent JIT compilation of other things (by means of jit.on() and jit.off()), and then to play around with JIT compiler parameters relating to trace selection, eventually stumbling upon this:

@@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ end
 function ff(a)
   local r=TIntArrayNative.new(#a)
+  jit.opt.start("hotloop=2")
+  jit.on()
   for i=1,#a do
     if a[i] > a[i-1] then
       if r[i-1] > 0 then
@@ -159,6 +161,7 @@ function ff(a)
+  jit.off()
   return r

With this diff in place, the issue becomes reproducible every time, and the next stage of investigation can begin - by which I mean the level of data dumping can be increased from -jdump=t all the way up to -jdump=bitmsrx:

$ luajit.exe -jdump=bitmsrx row.lua 
---- TRACE flush

---- TRACE 1 start row.lua:69
... some bytecode ...
---- TRACE 1 IR
... some IR ...
---- TRACE 1 mcode 184
... some machine code ...
---- TRACE 1 stop -> return

---- TRACE 2 start row.lua:147
... lots of bytecode ...
---- TRACE 2 IR
... lots of IR ...
0039 ------------ LOOP ------------
... more IR ...
---- TRACE 2 mcode 225
... lots of machine code ...
---- TRACE 2 stop -> loop

---- TRACE 2 exit 4
---- TRACE 2 exit 4
---- TRACE 3 start row.lua:74
... some bytecode ...
---- TRACE 3 IR
... some IR ...
---- TRACE 3 mcode 108
... some machine code ...
---- TRACE 3 stop -> return

---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 2 exit 2
---- TRACE 2 exit 2
---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 3 exit 0
---- TRACE 4 start 3/0 row.lua:75
... some bytecode ...
---- TRACE 4 IR
... some IR ...
---- TRACE 4 mcode 99
... some machine code ...
---- TRACE 4 stop -> return

---- TRACE 2 exit 1
---- TRACE 2 exit 5
---- TRACE 2 exit 7
---- TRACE 2 exit 1
---- TRACE 2 exit 1
luajit.exe: row.lua:202: ff4 failed
stack traceback:
  [C]: in function 'assert'
  row.lua:202: in main chunk
  [C]: at 0x0100001440

The loop of interest has become TRACE 2, and some of the metamethods it invokes have become TRACE 1, TRACE 3, and TRACE 4. After a quick look over the IR of all these traces, it was the IR of TRACE 2 which caught my attention:

---- TRACE 2 IR
....              SNAP   #0   [ ---- ]
0001 rax   >  int SLOAD  #4    CRI
0002       >  int LE     0001  +2147483646
0003 rbp      int SLOAD  #3    CI
0004 r10   >  cdt SLOAD  #1    T
0005          u16 FLOAD  0004  cdata.ctypeid
0006       >  int EQ     0005  +102
0007          p64 ADD    0004  +8  
0008 rdx      p64 XLOAD  0007  
0012          i64 BSHL   0003  +3  
0013          p64 ADD    0012  0008
0014          p64 ADD    0013  +8  
0015 r8       i64 XLOAD  0014  
0019 r9       i64 XLOAD  0013  
....              SNAP   #1   [ ---- ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 ]
0021       >  i64 GE     0019  0015
....              SNAP   #2   [ ---- ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- ---- ]
0022       >  i64 GT     0019  0015
....              SNAP   #3   [ ---- ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 ]
0023 rsi   >  cdt SLOAD  #2    T
0024          u16 FLOAD  0023  cdata.ctypeid
0025       >  int EQ     0024  +102
0026          p64 ADD    0023  +8  
0027 rcx      p64 XLOAD  0026  
0031          p64 ADD    0027  0012
0032          i64 XLOAD  0031  
....              SNAP   #4   [ ---- ---- ---- 0003 0001 ---- 0003 ]
0034       >  i64 GE     0032  +0  
0035          p64 ADD    0031  +8  
0036          i64 XSTORE 0035  -1  
0037 rbp    + int ADD    0003  +1  
....              SNAP   #5   [ ---- ---- ---- ]
0038       >  int LE     0037  0001
....              SNAP   #6   [ ---- ---- ---- 0037 0001 ---- 0037 ]
0039 ------------ LOOP ------------
0040          i64 BSHL   0037  +3  
0041          p64 ADD    0040  0008
0042          p64 ADD    0041  +8  
0043 rbx      i64 XLOAD  0042  
0044 r15      i64 XLOAD  0041  
....              SNAP   #7   [ ---- ---- ---- 0037 0001 ---- 0037 ]
0045       >  i64 GE     0044  0043
....              SNAP   #8   [ ---- ---- ---- 0037 0001 ---- 0037 ]
0046       >  i64 GT     0044  0043
0047          p64 ADD    0040  0027
0048          p64 ADD    0047  +8  
0049          i64 XSTORE 0048  -1  
0050 rbp    + int ADD    0037  +1  
....              SNAP   #9   [ ---- ---- ---- ]
0051       >  int LE     0050  0001
0052 rbp      int PHI    0037  0050
---- TRACE 2 mcode 225

This being a looping trace, all of the instructions before -- LOOP -- should correspond to one iteration of the loop, and similarly all of the instructions after -- LOOP -- should correspond to one iteration of the loop (the difference being that the second set of instructions can rely on a bunch of assumptions and invariants set up by the first set of instructions, and thus can be shorter and more efficient). For example, 0012 i64 BSHL 0003 +3 and 0040 i64 BSHL 0037 +3 represent the same thing (namely, the multiplication of i by 8 as part of array indexing). Similarly, 0021 > i64 GE 0019 0015 and 0045 > i64 GE 0044 0043 both represent the > in if a[i] > a[i-1] then, and 0022 > i64 GT 0019 0015 and 0046 > i64 GT 0044 0043 both represent the < in if a[i] < a[i-1] then.

The thing which jumped out at me was 0034 > i64 GE 0032 +0 (which comes from the < in if r[i-1] < 0 then), which has no corresponding instruction after -- LOOP --. In other words, LuaJIT concluded that it only needed to check r[i-1] < 0 was false once, and that thereafter, it could assume r[i-1] < 0 was false without needing to check. The question became: why did LuaJIT conclude this?

To answer this question, attention moved to the implementation of LuaJIT's "LOOP" optimisation (in lj_opt_loop.c), and in particular the part which emits all of the instructions after -- LOOP --:

/* Copy and substitute all recorded instructions and snapshots. */
for (ins = REF_FIRST; ins < invar; ins++) {
  /* Substitute instruction operands. */
  ir = IR(ins);
  op1 = ir->op1;
  if (!irref_isk(op1)) op1 = subst[op1];
  op2 = ir->op2;
  if (!irref_isk(op2)) op2 = subst[op2];
  if (irm_kind(lj_ir_mode[ir->o]) == IRM_N &&
      op1 == ir->op1 && op2 == ir->op2) {
    subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ins;  /* Shortcut. */
  } else {
    /* Re-emit substituted instruction to the FOLD/CSE/etc. pipeline. */
    IRType1 t = ir->t;
    IRRef ref = tref_ref(emitir(ir->ot & ~IRT_ISPHI, op1, op2));
    subst[ins] = (IRRef1)ref;

The key parts of this code are:

To see what happened to 0034 > i64 GE 0032 +0, a conditional breakpoint can be set on the ir = IR(ins) line (with the condition being J->cur.traceno == 2 && ins == REF_BASE + 34):

The instruction's opcode ((IROp)ir->o) is GE, as expected. The original left-hand operand (ir->op1) is 0x8020, which after dropping the 8 and converting the 20 from hex to decimal, gives 0032, as expected. The remaining watches are less obvious: they're all less than 0x8000, which means that they are constants rather than instructions. Knowing that they happen to be 64-bit signed integer constants, their values are just another watch away:

This shows that the right-hand operand (op2) is the constant 0, as expected. Furthermore, LuaJIT thinks that the left-hand operand (op1) is the constant -1. Given that the original source code was r[i-1] < 0, this might seem slightly surprising, but it is in fact LuaJIT being clever: the previous loop iteration did r[i] = -1 (this is 0036 i64 XSTORE 0035 -1 in the IR), and i increments by one on each iteration (this is 0037 rbp + int ADD 0003 +1 / 0050 rbp + int ADD 0037 +1 / 0052 rbp int PHI 0037 0050 in the IR), and so LuaJIT is correct to conclude that on this iteration, r[i-1] is -1 (reaching this conclusion requires quite a lot of cleverness around re-assocation and forwarding and aliasing, but that's a story for another day).

So, at this point, everything is lined up for emitir to emit (or find or etc) the instruction int64_t(-1) >= int64_t(0). Given both operands are constants, this instruction should get constant-folded, and indeed emitir ends up at fold_kfold_int64comp from lj_opt_fold.c:

/* Special return values for the fold functions. */
enum {
  FAILFOLD,   /* Guard would always fail. */
  DROPFOLD,   /* Guard eliminated. */
#define CONDFOLD(cond)  ((TRef)FAILFOLD + (TRef)(cond))
  uint64_t a = ir_k64(fleft)->u64, b = ir_k64(fright)->u64;
  switch ((IROp)fins->o) {
  case IR_LT: return CONDFOLD(a < b);
  case IR_GE: return CONDFOLD(a >= b);
  case IR_LE: return CONDFOLD(a <= b);
  case IR_GT: return CONDFOLD(a > b);
  case IR_ULT: return CONDFOLD((uint64_t)a < (uint64_t)b);
  case IR_UGE: return CONDFOLD((uint64_t)a >= (uint64_t)b);
  case IR_ULE: return CONDFOLD((uint64_t)a <= (uint64_t)b);
  case IR_UGT: return CONDFOLD((uint64_t)a > (uint64_t)b);
  default: lua_assert(0); return FAILFOLD;
  UNUSED(J); lua_assert(0); return FAILFOLD;

Any sane person should conclude that int64_t(-1) >= int64_t(0) is false (FAILFOLD), but if you follow the code in the above snippit, you'll see that it returns DROPFOLD (true) for int64_t(-1) IR_GE int64_t(0), because it always does unsigned comparison. Therein lies the bug: the four instructions with U in their name are meant to do unsigned comparison, but the four instructions without U in their name are meant to do signed comparison. At runtime, they do indeed do this, but at constant-folding-time, the signed comparisons do the wrong thing if one operand is negative and the other is non-negative.

The fix is simple: have fold_kfold_int64comp perform signed comparisons for the four instructions which represent signed comparisons.

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