#define __STDC_ENDIAN_LITTLE__Some integer constant
#define __STDC_ENDIAN_BIG__Some integer constant
Regular functionsImplementation
unsigned stdc_leading_zeros(T x)lzcnt(x)
unsigned stdc_first_leading_one(T x)x ? lzcnt(x) + 1 : 0
unsigned stdc_trailing_zeros(T x)tzcnt(x)
unsigned stdc_first_trailing_one(T x)x ? tzcnt(x) + 1 : 0
unsigned stdc_count_ones(T x)popcnt(x)
bool stdc_has_single_bit(T x)popcnt(x) == 1
unsigned stdc_bit_width(T x)x ? floor(log2(x)) + 1 : 0
T stdc_bit_floor(T x)x ? (T)1 << floor(log2(x)) : 0
T stdc_bit_ceil(T x)x ? (T)1 << ceil(log2(x)) : 1 (‡)
Inverted functionsImplementation
unsigned stdc_leading_ones(T x)lzcnt((T)~x)
unsigned stdc_first_leading_zero(T x)(T)~x ? lzcnt((T)~x) + 1 : 0
unsigned stdc_trailing_ones(T x)tzcnt((T)~x)
unsigned stdc_first_trailing_zero(T x)(T)~x ? tzcnt((T)~x) + 1 : 0
unsigned stdc_count_zeros(T x)popcnt((T)~x)

(†) Or some third value if the execution environment is neither little endian nor big endian.

(‡) Undefined if the << overflows or if the result does not fit in T.


The inverted functions can all be implemented by inverting the input and then passing it to one of the regular functions.

The stdc_first_leading_ functions are slightly slippery, and require a careful reading of the standard. For example, stdc_first_leading_one is defined as:

Returns the most significant index of the first 1 bit in value, plus 1. If it is not found, this function returns 0.

In turn, most significant index has the following unintuitive definition:

The most significant index is the 0-based index counting from the most significant bit, 0, to the least significant bit, w − 1, where w is the width of the type that is having its most significant index computed.

The initial patches for these functions in musl got this wrong, instead using the more intuitive definition of most significant index. The VLC compat header also got this wrong, twice.