Much has been written about how to generate random 64-bit integers; people might argue over which particular (CS)PRNG is best suited for a given task, but there is agreement on the general shape of the solution: keep some state around, and then extract 64 bits of randomness at a time, where each bit is equally likely to be either zero or one. This gives nice uniformly-distributed integers over the range [0, 264).

There is less agreement on how to generate random floating-point values. It is tempting to aim for what looks like a simple transformation of an integer generator: uniformly-distributed floats over the range [0, 1). There are various ways of doing such a transformation; one exposition does it as:

double pcg64_random_double(pcg64_t *rng) {
    return (double)(pcg64_random(rng) >> 11) * 0x1.0p-53;

Whereas LuaJIT does it as:

uint64_t lj_prng_u64d(PRNGState *rs) {
    uint64_t z, r = 0;
    TW223_STEP(rs, z, r)
    /* Returns a double bit pattern in the range 1.0 <= d < 2.0. */
    return (r & 0x000fffffffffffffull) | 0x3ff0000000000000ull;
/* Then to give d in [0, 1) range: */
U64double u;
double d;
u.u64 = lj_prng_u64d(rs);
d = u.d - 1.0;

And a Go version by Lemire does it as:

// toFloat64 -> [0,1)
func toFloat64(seed *uint64) float64 {
    x := splitmix64(seed)
    x &= 0x1fffffffffffff // %2**53
    return float64(x) / float64(0x1fffffffffffff)

The [0, 1) output range is less useful than it might initially appear. It is often stated that [0, 1) can be transformed to [A, B) by multiplying by B-A then adding A, but this is only true for some values of A and B; for other values, a number just less than 1 can be transformed and end up equal to B due to floating-point rounding, i.e. [0, 1) is transformed to [A, B]. The possibility of a zero output is also unhelpful if the result is going to be log-transformed (for example as part of a Box-Muller transform), as log(0) explodes.

An output range of [0, 1] would be better behaved under most additive and multiplicative transforms. After such a transform, a range like [A, B] can be easily turned into [A, B) via rejection sampling, should the half-open range be desired. It will also turn out to be very easy (on either theoretical or practical grounds) to exclude 0 as a possible output, giving the log-friendly output range (0, 1].

Before trying to generate a random float in the range [0, 1], we should instead consider the easier problem of generating a random float in the range [0.5, 1]. There are 252+1 different IEEE-754 doubles in this range. The "rounding basin" of some double d in that range can be defined as the range of infinite-precision real numbers in the range [0.5, 1] that would round to d (assuming round-to-nearest). Taking ε=2-54, most of these doubles have a basin of d-ε through d+ε. The exceptions are the extremes of the range; 0.5 has a basin of 0.5 through 0.5+ε, and 1 has a basin of 1-ε through 1. In other words, there are 252-1 values in the range whose basin is wide, and 2 values in the range whose basin is only ε wide. For a uniform distribution, the probability of seeing d should equal the width of the rounding basin of d. Given all this, there is a fairly simple monotonic transform from the uniform integer range [0, 253) to the uniform float range [0.5, 1]:

Integer(s)Resultant floating-point double (ε=2-54)
1, 20.5 + 2ε
3, 40.5 + 4ε
5, 60.5 + 6ε
253-7, 253-61 - 6ε
253-5, 253-41 - 4ε
253-3, 253-21 - 2ε

This transform can be expressed in code like so:

double rand_between_half_and_one() {
    double d;
    uint64_t x = rand_u64() >> 11; /* 53-bit uniform integer */
    x = ((x + 1) >> 1) + (1022ull << 52);
    memcpy(&d, &x, sizeof(d));
    return d;

The range [0.25, 0.5] looks a lot like the range [0.5, 1], except that ε reduces to 2-55. That is, there is a fairly simple monotonic transform from the uniform integer range [0, 253) to the uniform float range [0.25, 0.5]:

Integer(s)Resultant floating-point double (ε=2-55)
1, 20.25 + 2ε
3, 40.25 + 4ε
5, 60.25 + 6ε
253-7, 253-60.5 - 6ε
253-5, 253-40.5 - 4ε
253-3, 253-20.5 - 2ε

Or in code:

double rand_between_quarter_and_half() {
    double d;
    uint64_t x = rand_u64() >> 11; /* 53-bit uniform integer */
    x = ((x + 1) >> 1) + (1021ull << 52);
    memcpy(&d, &x, sizeof(d));
    return d;

In turn, the range [0.125, 0.25] looks a lot like [0.25, 0.5], and [0.0625, 0.125] looks a lot like [0.125, 0.25], and so on. To generate a float in [0, 1], we need to choose one of these ranges, and then choose a value within that range. For a uniform distribution, the probability of a range should be proportional to the width of the range, so we have:

Output rangeWidthProbability
[0.5, 1]2-150%
[0.25, 0.5]2-225%
[0.125, 0.25]2-312.5%
[0.0625, 0.125]2-46.25%

As the width of the range approaches zero, so does the probability of the range. Once the width is less than 2-75, the probabilities are so small as to be effectively impossible for most practical purposes. By making them actually impossible, we gain a nice guarantee of algorithm termination, and avoid having to think about denormals, and get the log-friendly output range (0, 1]. One way of implementing this in code is:

double rand_between_zero_and_one() {
    double d;
    uint64_t x = rand_u64() >> 11; /* 53-bit uniform integer */
    uint64_t e = 1022;
    do {
      if (rand_u64() & 1) break; /* 1-bit uniform integer */
      e -= 1;
    } while (e > 1022-75);
    x = ((x + 1) >> 1) + (e << 52);
    memcpy(&d, &x, sizeof(d));
    return d;

The above throws away lots of random bits, whereas it would be more economical to remember and use them later:

double rand_between_zero_and_one() {
    double d;
    uint64_t x = rand_u64(); /* 53-bit and 11-bit uniform integers */
    uint64_t bits = x & 0x7ff, nbits = 11;
    uint64_t e = 1022;
    do {
      if (bits & 1) break; /* 1-bit uniform integer */
      bits >>= 1;
      if (--nbits == 0) bits = rand_u64(), nbits = 64;
      e -= 1;
    } while (e > 1022-75);
    x = (((x >> 11) + 1) >> 1) + (e << 52);
    memcpy(&d, &x, sizeof(d));
    return d;

Finally, the loop can be eliminated using bit-counting intrinsics:

double rand_between_zero_and_one() {
    double d;
    uint64_t x = rand_u64();
    uint64_t e = __builtin_ctzll(x) - 11ull;
    if ((int64_t)e >= 0) e = __builtin_ctzll(rand_u64());
    x = (((x >> 11) + 1) >> 1) - ((e - 1011ull) << 52);
    memcpy(&d, &x, sizeof(d));
    return d;

Or in Go rather than C:

// toFloat64 -> (0,1]
func toFloat64(seed *uint64) float64 {
    x := splitmix64(seed)
    e := bits.TrailingZeros64(x) - 11
    if e >= 0 {
        e = bits.TrailingZeros64(splitmix64(seed))
    x = (((x >> 11) + 1) >> 1) - ((uint64(int64(e)) - 1011) << 52)
    return math.Float64frombits(x)

With that exposition done, I can now present my criteria for assessing the quality of functions that claim to generate uniformly-distributed IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point values over (0, 1] or [0, 1] or [0, 1):

CriteriaMost functionsPresented hereIdeal
Probability of zero2-52 or 2-5302-1075
Smallest non-zero2-52 or 2-532-762-1074
Largest non-seeable1 - 2-53 or 0.5 - 2-542-76 - 2-129-0
Distinct values252 or 253258.2262±1

If you've reached this far, then you might be interested in similar commentary from Taylor R. Campbell or Allen B. Downey or @moon_chilled.